Want a Vacation From Temptation? Try This Simple Trick

by Christie Perkins

Want a Vacation From Temptation_Try This Simple Trick”Recently I’ve had the feeling that I need to help my kids and myself work on recognizing temptations. I had a bunch of other things I wanted to write about but this is the one that keeps clomping me in the head.

Over and over.

And since I’ve been working on trying to follow my promptings I guess I better ditch the other fabulous (but flopping) ideas and do this. So here you go: Continue reading

Be Someone’s Fan

When Life Goes Kaput

by Christie Perkins

I was in the 6th grade. I ran for class secretary. I made a little poster up about all the cutesy little reasons you should vote for me. I used each letter of my name to highlight the perfect reason. Oh, they were all good, strong, verb words. Well thought through, great dictionary material. I was sure this was enough to get me what I wanted most in my 6th grade little brain. I was brave…

And overconfident.

2014 Fish Lake with Paxtons 213Not because I was cocky, it was quite the opposite. My face would burst into spontaneous flames if a cute boy glanced my direction- he was probably looking at the girl behind me. Anyway. But, still, no one tries these things unless they think they have a chance.

I remember when they announced my challengers name as winner. I faked a smile and pretended to be excited for her but that fat sour grape stuck in my throat hurt. Where did it come from anyway? It was making my eyes all watery. So, I did what I’ve always done in this type situation. Continue reading

The Cancer Whisperer

Family History Helped Me Find My Lump

by Christie Perkins

004You know that telephone game?  The one where you whisper in someone’s ear and by the end it gets all messed up.

Yeah, well… that happened to me.

Although it wasn’t a mixed up message but some fabulous tumor instead.  It was passed from generation to generation, until it got to me all mixed up and messed up.  Some static message ended up clunking out 2 types of cancer and 7 tumors (thankfully, only five were malignant).

Oh, the cancer whisperer messed that one up. Continue reading

Reach Up and Touch Someone’s Life

Jelly Bean Hailstorms

by CHristie Perkins

Jelly Bean Hailstorms create smiles.

Send someone a Jellybean Hailstorm today. It’s so simple to let someone know that you care.

The bag of jelly beans slumps haphazardly on the top shelf.  I reach up on my tippy-top toes.  It’s about to fall.  A simple touch and it all comes cascading down in a rain of jelly beans.  It tinkles and clanks all over the shelves and floor like a marble hailstorm on a tin roof.

I groan.  Then, I smile a little.  What a mess!

My little guy come running in.  “What was that?” he asks before figuring it out on his own.  He catches me doing the reverse butterfly stroke in the jelly bean puddle.  His sense for candy is so fine-tuned it would have been a tragedy to miss the aftermath of the jelly bean hailstorm.

By now my other boys’ sensors have been activated and they are standing in the doorway begging me with tinsel eyes.  I only have to give a nod and they dive in.  It’s not the first time they’ve disregarded floor germs in the name of candy.

We are all smiles.

A simple touch creates this amazing, unexpected, result (and honestly a little complaining from the mess).  But, it’s not the first time a jellybean hailstorm ends up in sunshine.  A simple touch created a similar outcome for an incident that happened years and years ago.

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