Maximize Your Time

The Power of 20 Minutes

by Christie Perkins

Copy of Germany 6-12 177Alright, we’ve all said this lame excuse: “I just don’t have time.”  In fact even I’ve said it a lot this week.  But as we know, the truth of the matter is that we don’t “make time.”

Blah, blah, blah.  I know you’ve heard it a million times.

“Having time” relies on the day being blind to the journey that leads it; never getting to what you really wanted.  “Making time” is prioritizing, planning, and squeezing.

If you’re a chronic lame excuse user- you’re going to like this tip to power up your day.  So, you want 24 hours and 20 minutes out of your day?  I’ll fabricate how you can.  Yes, fabricate.  You know, as in trick your mind into thinking that you actually created more time in your day.

I have used this tip for years to accomplish the things I dread.  And it all started with a dresser top.

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Self Investment

What Steals Your Time?

By Christie perkins

003Do you wake up tired? Heavy with the tasks ahead of you?  Do you have one of those beds that wrestles you at night and latches onto you in the morning? Seriously.  It’s got its days and nights flip flopped.

After a long restless night your hairstyle is fine (you didn’t sleep long enough to mess it up).  But let’s face it you’ve earned a major frazzled bedhead brain.

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Gifts that Matter

Timeless Moments

by Christie Perkins

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe went Christmas tree hunting.  Well, technically, my husband did the hunting and we just traipsed behind him…WAY behind him.  I expected less snow and mud, not that there was that much but I didn’t bring my boots.  My steps were more careful.

He found a tree pretty quick.  I liked it except for the big hole in the back.

But, it was pretty.  And like a magnet he found another tree.   He’s good at this.  Immediately I decided, “Let’s do the other tree.  It’ll work.”

I was done.

“But, it’s only been 20 minutes,” he said.  Exactly my point.  The perfect Christmas tree in 20 minutes.  How much more perfect than that can we get?

But I see how roles were reversed.  If it was a shopping trip I would be telling him the same thing (and I have)… but it’s only been 20 minutes!

He continued shopping.  I puppy guarded the tree like my husband puppy guards a clothing rack while I shop.  You know the motive of looking busy when you’re just plain bored.  Yep, I just used the word “bored” with a family tradition.  My to-do list was stealing my fun.

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Share the Gift

Gifts that Lift

By Christie Perkins

A message of hopeToday I’m joining the #ShareTheGift movement through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints website.  I want to share a message about how I know that through the gift of Jesus Christ one of my most difficult moments were made light.  I want to bear my testimony of the atonement and it’s great power.

In Alma 7:12 it reads “…and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.” 

I felt as if I was carried in His hands through my cancer trial.  I could not have done it without the Savior taking upon Him my infirmities.

His is the gift that lifts.


My Most Difficult Day

Early one morning, just before sunrise I sat at the kitchen table, eating oatmeal that I couldn’t taste.  I didn’t feel well.  Big warm tears dropped from my cheeks.  It splashed on the table below me.

I couldn’t do this anymore.  I had only done 4 of the 8 chemo treatments (which I refer to lovingly as 5 hours of nuclear waste dumping) but each one was progressively worse.  And each treatment had a new complication I had to muddle through.

I was tired of feeling sick.  Nights were restless and my anxiety was escalated so that I couldn’t even crawl into bed for a good rest.  My legs were antsy.  I buzzed around, wearing circles in my carpet, which alleviated my anxiety but complicated my need for rest.

My chemo fog was extreme.  I couldn’t read or concentrate. I existed in a muffled brain state.  It’s as if someone had shoved a blanket in my head cutting off all circulation, numbing my brain and it’s functions.

I was ugly, bald, and cold.   My eyelashes and eyebrows were dropping.  And I felt like I was dropping out of everyone’s life… circumstances made it so.

My fast track moment in life began with diagnosis, total mastectomy, painful reconstruction, and now chemo.  My body had taken all it could.  Mentally, physically, and emotionally I was exhausted.

I couldn’t fight any more.

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Reach Up and Touch Someone’s Life

Jelly Bean Hailstorms

by CHristie Perkins

Jelly Bean Hailstorms create smiles.

Send someone a Jellybean Hailstorm today. It’s so simple to let someone know that you care.

The bag of jelly beans slumps haphazardly on the top shelf.  I reach up on my tippy-top toes.  It’s about to fall.  A simple touch and it all comes cascading down in a rain of jelly beans.  It tinkles and clanks all over the shelves and floor like a marble hailstorm on a tin roof.

I groan.  Then, I smile a little.  What a mess!

My little guy come running in.  “What was that?” he asks before figuring it out on his own.  He catches me doing the reverse butterfly stroke in the jelly bean puddle.  His sense for candy is so fine-tuned it would have been a tragedy to miss the aftermath of the jelly bean hailstorm.

By now my other boys’ sensors have been activated and they are standing in the doorway begging me with tinsel eyes.  I only have to give a nod and they dive in.  It’s not the first time they’ve disregarded floor germs in the name of candy.

We are all smiles.

A simple touch creates this amazing, unexpected, result (and honestly a little complaining from the mess).  But, it’s not the first time a jellybean hailstorm ends up in sunshine.  A simple touch created a similar outcome for an incident that happened years and years ago.

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